
对隐私政策通知有疑问吗? 我们已经有了答案.

国营农场®重视客户的隐私. 我们建议您查看隐私政策通知, 国家隐私权, 个人健康信息, 以及我们关于您隐私的常见问题.






You can reduce the amount of paper you receive by signing up to 去无纸化. 你可在以下网址浏览私隐政策声明line instead of receiving a mailed copy. 你也将帮助州立农场实现它的目标 绿色的任务.

Anyone can read the 国营农场 私隐政策公告 online. If you don't want to receive a mailed 私隐政策公告, we need to know you consent to the Paperless 私隐政策公告 guidelines. In order to consent, you must register for a 国营农场 online account.

登记 很容易,大约需要五分钟. 去 xsdvoip.com® 然后点击注册.


  • 至少一种州立农场产品
  • 有效的电子邮件地址

您的偏好将立即被处理. However, 私隐政策公告 mailers are scheduled throughout the year. If you received a mailed 私隐政策公告 after you signed up, it's likely because it was mailed before your new preference was processed. 请放心, your preference will remain as long as your 国营农场 online account is current and active.

If you have questions, contact your agent or the 国营农场 隐私 Policy Information Line at 800-865-6035800-865-6035.

No. When you sign up for the Paperless 私隐政策公告 online it applies to all of your U.S. 州立农场政策和账目. To also learn about paperless statement and billing options, click 去无纸化.

No. Your Paperless 私隐政策公告 online preferences are 保存d as long as your online 国营农场 account is current and active. 使您的帐户保持流通,并使您的偏好有效, you must have logged into your account during the past 11 months.

现在不行. 你可在以下网址浏览私隐政策声明 xsdvoip.com® 或者向你的代理索要纸质版.

是的. You can print a copy of the 私隐政策公告 from your Internet browser.

Currently t在这里 are no discounts available for selecting the Paperless 私隐政策公告.

本通知并非征求意见. It is an annual 私隐政策公告 to our customers explaining our company's privacy policies and practices. 这是格雷姆-里奇-比利利法案(GLBA)的要求, which is a federal law that includes provisions to protect the privacy of the personal information of consumers held by financial institutions (including insurers). 根据GLBA, we provide this notice the first time we do business with a customer and every year they are a 国营农场 customer.

如果你不愿意接收纸质邮件, 你可以用电子方式和我们做生意, 本通知书亦设有无纸化选项. 我们强烈建议您注册以获得您的 注意到网上 在xsdvoip.com. 国营农场® is committed to a future w在这里 environmental values are key to the way we do business. 好邻居是绿色邻居™.

Our Notice provides an overview of how we protect, collect, use, and share customer information.

Customer information means all nonpublic information related to an identified individual, which is sometimes called personally identifiable information. Customer information does not include anonymized data or de-identified data, 哪些不识别个人.

国营农场 retains customer information for legal, auditing, regulatory and business purposes. Retention periods vary according to specific legal, auditing, regulatory and business needs. Information about former, prospective and existing customers is also collected and retained.

募捐 & 直接营销


No. "Do Not Share" is your right to limit the sharing of certain types of information (such as your driving record) within our 国营农场 family of companies. 你选择限制分享,并不是选择退出市场营销. You may still receive information about 国营农场 insurance and financial services products.

You can choose not to receive marketing offers by direct mail, telephone, or 电子邮件. We will honor your requests to opt-out throughout the 国营农场 family of companies or just for specific product lines or companies.


  • 提交 不要索取表格
  • 联系您的代理,或者
  • 致函以下地址:

有关在线营销的信息,请参阅我们的 关于我们的广告 & 跟踪 页面.

No, but t在这里 are ways you can reduce the number of solicitations you receive from companies, 在一般情况下, 与你没有客户关系的人.

You may also contact specific companies and ask that they do not contact you through direct mail, 电子邮件, 或者电话咨询.

Certain states may have state-run programs w在这里 individuals can be placed on a Do Not Call list to avoid marketing calls from businesses with whom they do not have an existing relationship. Your state will provide details on how to be placed on such a list.